Pay it Forward

Pay it forward with a twist

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Day 3

I hope you all are having a marvelous day. I slept in a little so Im a little behind on updating. Please don't forget to reply to the post of the day telling what your "act of kindness" was. It's also not to late to go back and tell what you did for the first and second day. I hope you all have a great day.

Love Rocky


  1. Today was simple for me. It kind of fell in my lap. One of my struggling students needed a recommendation to get into a job training program here at the school. So, I wrote him one. I know he wasn't really deserving of the recommendation, but without it he wouldn't have a chance to get a job.


  2. Today, I performed a random act of kindness, but as I was leaving work today, someone yelled something VERY RUDE from their window. I "returned the favor" and immediately prayed afterward. So today, I'm paying the ACS $2. One for the driver, and one for myself! Sorry yall!

  3. I was in this mood early this morning where I was feeling really thankful for all of my friends. I starting thinking about how grateful I am to have my mother as well. She raised me, practically alone and I admire her strength a lot. Although I don't want to be exactly like her, I admire certain traits that she posseses. This morning I wrote her a note, telling her all of things that I admire about her and left it in her car. This small act of kindness went a long way, it made my mom smile:-) Thank God for mothers!!!

  4. Today I received an email from school. One of my fellow classmates house burned down. The school is taking donations because his family lost everything. My act of kindness is to donate a gift card. I don't know what its like to loose everything to a fire, but I can only imagine the devastation. Today remember to Thank God for keeping his loving arms around us at all times, and please say a prayer for my classmate and his family.

  5. Yesterday (march 3) my act of kindness was to my sister. I she came to my job with the kids and asked if I would babysit. Although, I had things to do I agreed and I also took her to work. I even gave her my dance bag to put her chang of clothes in and those who know me, know that dance is a big part of my life. I love these acts of kindness and know they will go a long way! Be blessed everyone!

  6. Yesterday was an interesting day. It was a long day so that is why I'm posting this. I actually offered two acts of kindness and it seemed like no one wanted my help. On the plane (I fly a lot so most of my stories will probably come from airport situations) and I offered to help this lady put her bag in the overhead compartment. Although struggling, she politely smiled and said, "No thank you I've got it". I let it go. The next was while we were setting up for the surgeon panel and lab and this lady was taking really expensive paintings off the wall so they wouldn't get damaged. I offered to help carry them and again, although struggling, she also denied my assistance. Granted, both of these scenarios involved someone else's property and so they probably felt a bit territorial, but my intentions were genuine so I feel that still counts … right??
