Pay it Forward

Pay it forward with a twist

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Day 9

9 days down and 21 to go! Today I saw something that I havent seen since I have been in DC. Chivalry! Several men got out of their seats on the shuttle for women who had been forced to stand since their were no more seats available. For some reason this opened my eyes and caught my attention. Made me think about all of the nice things we are doing and It was confirmed that when society says something is "dead", God has ultimate control and proves it lives! Have an awesome day.

Love Torya


  1. Okay so my random act of kindness was yester day. I was driving up to Kroger and it was raining crazy and anyone in Huntsville know that it rains sideways. I saw this lady putting her groceries in her car with a shopping bag on her head and I offered to hold the umbrella until she finished. Even though she rejected she was very nice and told me that I was sweet. It made me fell great to offer that up to someone!!!

  2. Today two of my classmates, had family members and friends either hospitalized or died. I sent both of them letters, reminding them that that they were in my prayers.
